Demonstration of the Episwitch™ platform - DLBCL subtyping

This proof-of-concept study for identifying DLBCL subtypes using chromatin conformation signatures underlines some of the attractive features of EpiSwitch™ as a simple, accurate and cost-effective blood-based diagnostic platform.

Hunter, E., McCord, R., Ramadass, A.S. et al. Comparative molecular cell-of-origin classification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma based on liquid and tissue biopsies. transl med commun 5, 5 (2020).

Lee Harle
EpiSwitch™ Featured in Presentations on Development and Validation of Blood-Based Predictive Biomarkers in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Programs

Data from study of EpiSwitch™ Suggest Independent Predictive Power of the 3D Genome Architecture Technology Platform in Immuno-Oncology - presented at Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting, co-authored by scientists from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Pfizer and Mayo Clinic

Lee Harle
Oxford BioDynamics wins Queens Award for Enterprise

“Oxford BioDynamics Plc has been recognised as a winner of the 2019 Queen's Award for Enterprise, the most prestigious enterprise award given to UK businesses.

Oxford BioDynamics was granted the Queen's Award for Enterprise in Innovation, demonstrating the outstanding performance and commercial success of OBD's proprietary technology platform, EpiSwitch™, based on the latest advances in regulatory genome architecture and its functional links to patient stratifications and outcomes in oncology, neurodegenerative, inflammatory, metabolic and other indications.

Validated EpiSwitch™ biomarker applications have demonstrated high efficacy in predictive, prognostic and diagnostic patient stratifications for lung, haematological, prostate, thyroid and skin cancers, as well as in rheumatoid arthritis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Baseline predictive stratifications by EpiSwitch™ for response to immune-checkpoint inhibitors are excellent surrogates for standard primary endpoints used in clinical trials, such as progression free survival.

To date, EpiSwitch™ has been used to develop biomarkers on more than 6,500 blood samples in over 140 diverse projects.”