HOLOS biomarkers, based on chromosomal conformation signatures, are an integral component in the development of preventative personalised healthcare, performance optimisation and multi-faceted wellness outcomes.

PROJECT 1: Epigenetic Response to Exercise in Humans

  • This discovery project was undertaken in conjunction with Federation University in Ballarat, Australia. It was designed to identify epigenetic markers with predictive value for endurance or strength based training

  • 17 epigenetic markers were identified with strong predictive capabilities. These 17 markers are now being taken through to a validation study

  • A further 36 epigenetic markers were identified as having strong relevance to the predictive model

  • The successful conclusion of the discovery project confirms the ability of EpiSwitch™ to identify epigenetic biomarkers in healthy human subjects with a new patent now filed to protect the marker discovery process

Commercial application

Our exercise focused on epigenetic markers will deliver two commercially available tests; epigenetically derived exercise type confirmation and epigenetically measured response to exercise. 

These will have commercial value to:

  • Consumer genetic testing companies

  • Sports and fitness groups

  • Professional sports organisations

  • Insurance companies

  • Population health organisations and government health initiatives

  • HOLOS blood tests are complementary in nature to the current testing regime of any of these groups

Our tests provide the following benefits:

  • Deeper end-user engagement opportunities

  • Ability to develop a recurring revenue model

  • Increased adherence due to early indication of desired outcomes

  • Improved exercise efficiency and outcomes as a result of determining the most beneficial type of exercise to be undertaken

  • An accurate measure of the impact of exercise on key biological indicators such as immune response pathways and inflammation markers